The mental health first aid courses include information and discussions about mental health issues. The intention is to reduce the stigma of mental health issues and make it easier for business students to seek help.
Over the course of the Mental Health Week, Finnish Business School Graduates will be providing students with a variety of information and content in cooperation with mental health specialists. The aim is to demonstrate that factors such as education, title or personal characteristics do not define who can fall prey to mental health issues and burnout.
Burnout is becoming more commonplace among students
An increasing number of students suffer from fatigue and even burnout. Many find themselves overstressed and unhappy.
Yet very few seek help because mental health issues remain stigmatised. This is alarming.
“The business sector needs motivated, healthy and capable professionals who tackle their tasks with the appropriate enthusiasm. This means that employers and employees alike must ensure that any possible challenges are spotted and addressed as early on as possible,” says Jari Elo, operations manager at Finnish Business School Graduates.
Jobseeking is equally stressful as studies
The worries of finding employment and accumulating work experience add to the study-related pressures of students.
“At the same time, students need friends, stimulating recreational activities and other fun things to do alongside their studies and possible work tasks. That is a lot for one person to handle,” says Kalle Kahanpää of the Turku School of Economics. As the chairman of the student association, Kahanpää is one of the campaign’s originators.
Dubbed Healthy mind, happy student, the campaign is an important indication that students want to have their say and spark discussion about this vital issue.
The courses on mental health first aid are an excellent way to ensure that business school graduates begin to discuss the promotion of mental health alongside physical health more openly.
Additional information
Kalle Kahanpää
Puheenjohtaja, Kylteripuheenjohtajien verkosto
040 5252330
Veera Hellman
Asiantuntija, työmarkkina- ja yhteiskuntapolitiikka
050 3858229