Press release


Summer holidays – Do you know your rights?

The summer holiday season starts on the 2nd of May. Can an illness ruin your long-awaited summer? Can holiday plans fall through because of your superior? Following: the 5 most common questions related to holidays that businesspeople ask the lawyer team.

Why are business subsidies protected but student’s allowances cut? Suomen Ekonomit criticizes the additional taxation of work and praises the investments in R&D

The new government’ budget framework -kehysriihi- is aiming in the right direction, though business subsidies keep being unjustifiably protected. The government also backtracked on its earlier announcements by tightening labor taxation. The set target of increasing the level of education will only remain a dream with such budgeting decisions: the funding of higher education institutions was excluded from the growth-oriented budget measures and cuts were made to students’ allowances.

Canada’s model for residence permits: a direct route for international talent

TEK and Ekonomit propose a new migration pathway to Finland to attract talent. Like in Canada, it would offer immigrants the opportunity to obtain an immediate permanent residence permit, with selections for this proposed pathway made on a points basis. Points could be awarded for having expertise in areas suffering labour shortages or based on education and language skills.