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p. +358405009840

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Incorrect payment reminders sent via email on June 6, 2024 to our members

Incorrect payment reminders sent via email on June 6, 2024 to our members

Did you receive a payment reminder from us with an old due date? This is a technical error that does not require any action from you. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Jun 6, 2024
University students struggling – financial support cuts and summer job availability seemingly at a record low

University students struggling – financial support cuts and summer job availability seemingly at a record low

The financial situation of students raised concerns and sparked discussions at the Suomen Ekonomit’s union conference on Saturday, May 18th, in Hämeenlinna. The chair of Suomen Ekonomit, Jukka-Pekka Kokkonen, urges employers to reconsider whether it would be possible to hire a summer worker for the upcoming summer.
May 20, 2024
Suomen Ekonomit for all

Suomen Ekonomit for all

We aim is to represent and support all “Ekonomit” – Business and Economics graduates and students in Finland – whether they are Finnish, Finnish-speaking, Swedish-speaking or none of these.
May 3, 2024
Summer holidays – Do you know your rights?

Summer holidays – Do you know your rights?

The summer holiday season starts on the 2nd of May. Can an illness ruin your long-awaited summer? Can holiday plans fall through because of your superior? Following: the 5 most common questions related to holidays that businesspeople ask the lawyer team.
May 2, 2024
Why are business subsidies protected but student’s allowances cut? Suomen Ekonomit criticizes the additional taxation of work and praises the investments in R&D

Why are business subsidies protected but student’s allowances cut? Suomen Ekonomit criticizes the additional taxation of work and praises the investments in R&D

The new government’ budget framework -kehysriihi- is aiming in the right direction, though business subsidies keep being unjustifiably protected. The government also backtracked on its earlier announcements by tightening labor taxation. The set target of increasing the level of education will only remain a dream with such budgeting decisions: the funding of higher education institutions was excluded from the growth-oriented budget measures and cuts were made to students’ allowances.
Apr 17, 2024
Anne Delgoulet started as an international liaison coordinator

Anne Delgoulet started as an international liaison coordinator

Delgoulet’s role is to support the advocacy work of Suomen Ekonomit in terms of DEI, especially for non-Finnish-speaking and foreign-born students and talents.
Mar 15, 2024